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Streaming IDAGIO over Bluetooth

Go wireless without WiFi: listen to IDAGIO through your Bluetooth-enabled speaker or device.

Lukas Lachnit avatar
Written by Lukas Lachnit
Updated over 3 months ago

You can play IDAGIO wirelessly through your speaker or car radio using Bluetooth. Simply follow this guide.

  1. First you'll need to ensure that your device is Bluetooth-enabled by checking your manufacturer's instructions.

  2. Now you can pair your phone, computer or tablet with the device you want to play IDAGIO through.
    On iOS/Mac, go to Settings > Bluetooth and enable the Bluetooth switch. Then select your device to pair them.
    On Android, go to Settings > Connected devices > Pair new device. Then select your device to pair them

  3. Once your devices are confirmed as connected, open IDAGIO and hit play!

Alternatively, connect your devices using:

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