Open the IDAGIO app
Select Already have an account? Log in
Select the method you used to register.
Enter your details and login. If you are unsure about your password, you can select Forgot Password?
Open the IDAGIO app
Select Log in in the top right corner
Select the method you used to register
Enter your details and login. If you are unsure about your password, you can select Forgot Password?
Log out
Open the IDAGIO app
Select Collection
Select Account Setting (cog symbol in top right corner)
Scroll down and log out
Desktop app
Open the IDAGIO app on your computer
Enter your account details
Enter your details and login. If you are unsure about your password, you can select Forgot Password?
Log out
Open the IDAGIO app
Select the three horizontal line symbol in the top right corner
Select Log Out
Log in
Either select the method you used to register or enter your account details
If you are unsure about your password, you can select Forgot Password?
Log out
Select the three horizontal line symbol in the top right corner
Select Log Out
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